I am entirely new to Epicor ERP. I want to design a system with Epicor as the backend and react js as the frontend. The problem is that I can't find the Epicor API Documentation anywhere. From where do I get the API documentation? Please help me.

I am entirely new to Epicor ERP. I want to design a system with Epicor as the backend and react js as the frontend. The problem is that I can't find the Epicor API Documentation anywhere. From where do I get the API documentation? Please help me.

1 Answer

You can find documentation by navigating to your Epicor server like this

https://[your epicor server]/EpicorERP/api/help/v2/ 

There you will find all of the different categories of APIs available, such as Business Objects, Reports, Libraries, Procedures, Etc. Here is one service exposed by the Business Object

https://[your epicor server]/EpicorERP/api/help/v2/odata/Erp.BO.SalesOrderSvc/index 

This is a swagger page that goes very well into detail on how to interact with the API

