Colin Quinn Says He Came Up with the Name Grown Ups

Heres Jimmy Fallons Weekend Update predecessor Colin Quinn on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, jokingly claiming that he came up with the title Grown Ups for Adam Sandler. I came up with the name, he says. I swear to God, Im not even doing a bit. I came up with the name Grown

Here’s Jimmy Fallon’s Weekend Update predecessor Colin Quinn on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night, jokingly claiming that he came up with the title Grown Ups for Adam Sandler. “I came up with the name,” he says. “I swear to God, I’m not even doing a bit. I came up with the name Grown Ups.” It’s one of many funny claims that Quinn makes throughout the interview, including one that his Twitter account was hacked and another that he went to do a gig in Cleveland while working at SNL and came back to find Jimmy Fallon in his Weekend Update chair.

Check out the other half of the interview below:

Colin Quinn Says He Came Up with the Name ‘Grown Ups’

